Las Vegas, Nevada
The Vegas strip continues to be vibrant with activity. The same can be said about DAS & Small Cells Congress, where top OEMs continue to show off their latest and greatest offerings to the DAS market. The carriers continue to show their support by lending their feedback on different future directions we are trying to meet them in.
Over the last several years, many U.S. fire jurisdictions have adopted standards for in-building public-safety radio-enhancement systems. These standards are designed to ensure adequate indoor radio coverage for firefighters and other public-safety personnel during emergency response. Public venues present unique challenges, particularly due to their size and wide variations in usage. One of these challenges is the need to divide a large area into coverage sectors to ensure proper utilization of the carrier networks. In many venues such as stadiums and convention centers, designing for peak loads is imperative. ADRF’s Director of DAS Engineering, Raymond Weaver, spoke on the Public Safety panel, covering a wide range of topics including, Key Drivers of Public Safety Requirements, Planning and Performing the Commercial Carrier Upgrades, Overcoming Key Technical Challenges, and Considerations for Funding and Revenue.
Feel free to visit our website for more information on Public Safety coverage, including a case study video on Consolidated Forensics Laboratory.